Sunday, October 16, 2011


So..this morning I woke up thinking about my vibrations (or lack of). For those of you who don't know what that it, it is what you give out. I am doing a ton of reading on bringing wonderful positive things (people, work, success) into my life. I definitely do believe that what you put out there and fully believe in you get. So, I have been doing all this reading on mantras and positive reinforcement. BUT I have realized that I keep slipping back into my old habits of the negative thoughts. It's like this: You have one crappy thought, and then another one builds on top of that, and then it grows and goes on and on, and before you know if you have made up some b.s. story about what you "think" is going on and in all have just created it. This is why I am starting to blog, and hey, my blog probably sucks..sorry if you don't enjoy it. This is just for ME! A way for me to get my stuff out and keep on track. When I sit and concentrate on all the good stuff that can come to me, here's the hard part... I you really do have to believe in it. Then you bring that great stuff to you. I like to lay in bed and close my eyes and breath... think about the things I want, but not just think... picture them. Before I know it half the time, I am passed out cause I am concentrating so hard on what I do want. It is incredible! I really need to get back on track with this. I need to know the "real" story of what is going on in my life with everyone whom is involved in it at this moment in time. I also, have a desire and want to get back on track with my thoughts and turning them around into wonderful positive thoughts. KNOWING that I can have all that I want in this life, not limiting myself. You see people who are extremely successful and wonder how they got to that place... I strongly believe in determination and not giving up. But it's also in personal drive and knowing that you will have that achievable goal.
My list for me to work on:
1) Positive Thought - this will help me to bring more positive into my life
2) Believe in those thoughts whole heartedly
3) Smiling
4) Using a bridging or turnaround method when something negative comes into play
5) Looking at my errands with excitement, it's a new chance to do something or meet people.. not a pain!
6) Loving everyone, no matter who it is, giving everyone a chance
7) Remembering me, and to experience new and exciting things
8) Being adventurous again
9) Loving my dog more... taking her out!
10) Stop procrastinating!

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